Taking Lunch to the Park

So my girlfriend says 'Lets go to the pool/park tomorrow'.  This presents a problem as my kids get out of summer school at 12pm and the pool opens at 1pm.  That does not give us time to go home for lunch so I have to pack something to go.  I really don't want to take the big cooler but I also hate warm veggies, yuck! This is my solution...
Using my cake caddy

I put ice and ice packs in the bottom.  The ice melted too quickly.  More ice packs and no ice next time.
I put fruit on the bottom of the next level. Now you ask why not put the veggies closer to the ice, well I didn't want the cantaloupe juice to run on the veggies.

Then put some veggies

Then sandwiches and cupcakes, divided by napkins.
Add some water, bathing suits and a half eaten bag of chips and AWAY WE GO.

My photo
A Canadian Stay-at-Home mom of 3 beautiful and awsome golden cupcakes. I have been a mom since 2005. This is the best job in the world but it is sure tough sometimes, don't you think? This is my journey.