Sleep its a Health Thing

In my mind sleep is the answer to what ails ya.  It is the answer to everything!  I have followed this therory for me AND my children but you know what bugs me?  People telling me I should be for flexible when it comes to my kids sleeping schedule. 

Now I have some really well balanced, well behaved and happy little people.  I think there are 3 main things that keep them that way
  1. SLEEP
  2. A well balanced and healthy diet.
  3. Boundaries.
I find it amusing that people appreciate that my kids are not annoying to be around but they don't want their own schedules to be effected by the fact that my kids have to sleep to be that way.

Healthwise I have seen my children go to bed with cuts or a diaperash and wake up healed.  If that is what happens to their skin what do you think happens to their brains and their spirits.  Sleep is natures reboot button.

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A Canadian Stay-at-Home mom of 3 beautiful and awsome golden cupcakes. I have been a mom since 2005. This is the best job in the world but it is sure tough sometimes, don't you think? This is my journey.