So if you have been following my blog I mentioned that I would be starting my journey again and this is the 411 on my situation.
Weight loss after baby can seem impossible, believe me. I have been on a neverending journey of lose weight, get pregnant, gain weight, have baby, lose weight, gain weight, lose weight for 3 babies now.
I heard from a friend that she is 18 weeks pregnant and only has gained 3lbs. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I gain 3lbs just saying I am pregnant. In 2000 I started Weight Watchers because I was over 200lbs and eating terribly. I wanted to learn how to eat healthy and of course lets not kid ourselves, who won't love to be a few or many pounds lighter. I worked at it for 2 years and lost 57lbs, yah! But then I met my husband and got lazy and I started to fudge my diet a little and by 2003 when I got married I had gained 12lbs back and by 2004 when I got pregnant I had gained another 5lbs.
Through my pregnancy with my daughter and sick and tired and I ate to make myself feel better but 44lbs later here she was 8lbs 13oz and I had only lost 10lbs. How can that be right? Then I breastfed and gain that 10lbs back. After 5months I stopped breastfeeding and tried losing weight on my own and really only lost about 7-10lbs so I went back to WW and lost another 32lbs before getting pregnant with my first son. I was one pound from where I started with my daughter. Again I gained 44lbs and was up to 214lbs when he was born and 198lbs when I went back to WW when he was 1 year old. Six months later I had only lost 24lbs and was now 4lbs up from where I started before I had kids and I was pregnant again. This time I only gained 30lbs but that still put me at 208lbs on the day I delivered my second son and over the next month I lost a total of 24lbs and my son weighed 9lbs and 1oz but then I gained 19lbs back. Can you imagine? So frustrating!
So again back to WW I go. I started at 203lbs again. So I am right back where I started 9 years ago but I am up 3 kids which is totally worth it. I have gained about 135lbs and minus my occasional slip up that cost me a pound or two I have lost approximately 150lbs. And although I am not naturally blessed with a slender body I am aiming to get my curves back. You know the ones we all had before we became moms and stopped being women.
As of November 2nd I have started the WW journey once again and will keep you updated, if anyone cares, as to how I am doing. If anyone is out there reading this and would like to join me, I would love the support and lets face it so would you. Its going to be a struggle with no time to exercise and food always around with my 3 kids and a skinny husband but I am going to work my way back to 165lbs, maybe even 160lbs. So far 7lbs down and 36lbs left to go.
Your life will get easier.
You have a baby and you think 'Finally she's here. Lets get this party started' and 24 hours later reality sets in and you think 'OH MY GOD. I want my life back.' It does get easier and little at a time. With every milestone comes a rebuild of your life because lets face it your life is never going to be the same now that your soul is out in the world but it does get easier. This is what I found.
- At 3 weeks feeding gets on track and you get used to not sleeping
- At 3 months baby usually settles easier and starts to be more reactive and you're understanding the signals better
- At 6 months they can sit and can play for short periods of time independently
- At 9 months crawling and is more mobile and less dependant and sleeping through the night if not before
- At 13 months walking
- At 18 months walking and running independently
- At 26 months talking and can communicate what they want.
- At 2 and a half they can competently fetch things for you.
- At 3 yrs they can turn the tv on then change it to the correct channel themselves and eat snacks without making too much mess
- At 4 yrs old they can get food for themselves and play independantly for hours.
With every milestone your life gets easier.
- At 3 weeks feeding gets on track and you get used to not sleeping
- At 3 months baby usually settles easier and starts to be more reactive and you're understanding the signals better
- At 6 months they can sit and can play for short periods of time independently
- At 9 months crawling and is more mobile and less dependant and sleeping through the night if not before
- At 13 months walking
- At 18 months walking and running independently
- At 26 months talking and can communicate what they want.
- At 2 and a half they can competently fetch things for you.
- At 3 yrs they can turn the tv on then change it to the correct channel themselves and eat snacks without making too much mess
- At 4 yrs old they can get food for themselves and play independantly for hours.
With every milestone your life gets easier.
Working out with a 4 year old puts me to shame.
So for those who don't know, I am back on Weight Watchers trying to get rid of the Baby Wyatt weight and part of the pre-vacation body makeover. So since I am on week 3 of WW I now am adding in exercise and started today with my WW Walking at Home DVD.
First Madison, Jack and I did the 10-minute segment while Baby Wyatt watched contently from his exercauser. It was fun and the kids kept up the whole time and didn't stop once. Then we began the 10-minute solution Dance off Fat Fast DVD, which is made up of 5 10-minute workouts. 2 minutes into the first workout, Baby Wyatt started to fuss so I picked him up and continued exercising while holding him but then Madison accidently bumped into Jack and knocked him to the floor where he proceeded to cry. Well that gave me a good enough reason to quick. Really at this point I was getting tired, yes after 13 minutes of exercise, pathetic!
Now Madison, my amazon girl, proceeds to not only finish that one segment but also the next 3 by herself and then Jack joined in for the last one. She didn't stop or sit down once for the whole hour. I videotaped the last 5 minutes while they were both doing it and replayed it for my husband when he got home and the 2 of us almost peed ourselves laughing so hard. Of course the movements were nowhere close to perfect but she enjoyed herself. She was tired by bedtime and we didn't hear a peep after she was put to bed and that is what counts in the end. Of course that and the fact that she had fun.
But she sure put me to shame.
First Madison, Jack and I did the 10-minute segment while Baby Wyatt watched contently from his exercauser. It was fun and the kids kept up the whole time and didn't stop once. Then we began the 10-minute solution Dance off Fat Fast DVD, which is made up of 5 10-minute workouts. 2 minutes into the first workout, Baby Wyatt started to fuss so I picked him up and continued exercising while holding him but then Madison accidently bumped into Jack and knocked him to the floor where he proceeded to cry. Well that gave me a good enough reason to quick. Really at this point I was getting tired, yes after 13 minutes of exercise, pathetic!
Now Madison, my amazon girl, proceeds to not only finish that one segment but also the next 3 by herself and then Jack joined in for the last one. She didn't stop or sit down once for the whole hour. I videotaped the last 5 minutes while they were both doing it and replayed it for my husband when he got home and the 2 of us almost peed ourselves laughing so hard. Of course the movements were nowhere close to perfect but she enjoyed herself. She was tired by bedtime and we didn't hear a peep after she was put to bed and that is what counts in the end. Of course that and the fact that she had fun.
But she sure put me to shame.
Awsome Mommy Trick #1: Johnson's Baby Shampoo
Wyatt (6 months old) had a tearing, red and goopey eye a few weeks ago and I know this is going to sound bad but I didn't have the time nor the energy to take him to see our family doctor so I took to the world wide wave and put forth the question, how do you treat this at home or can you? You can! Johnson's Baby Shampoo! I started every 3-5hrs washing his eye with diluted shampoo on a cotton ball and then when it started to impove I washed his eye directly with the shampoo while I was giving him a bath. And after about a week it was gone! It never hurt him due to the fact there is no soap in Johnson's Baby Shampoo, really!
So there you have it I an awsome mommy trick. Good luck.
So there you have it I an awsome mommy trick. Good luck.
Being a mom there is so much pressure to be a great mom, to have perfect kids and to not have a nervous breakdown in the process. Now I have great kids but not one of them is perfect. They have their meltdowns, their quirks and their mouths that are sometimes not connected to their little brains.
I know, of course before we were moms, wink, wink, we have all seen those moms in the grocery store with some kid screaming at the top or their lungs and thought 'Can't she control her child?' but now we are those moms and sometimes its like trying to control a runaway train and you just can't stop it. So you either have to walk away or try to deal the best you can. I can even admit to thinking it now because of course my kids are 'perfect' and I have the magic snack bag. For my kids food is the magic ingredient to any peaceful event but of course in twenty or so years my kids will all have eating disorders but at least I got the grocery shopping done.
So for me its having well-behaved kids and kids who succeed in school. For you it could be something else but we all have that mom pressure. So next time you see that mom in the grocery store give her a wink and let her know you know what she is going through.
I know, of course before we were moms, wink, wink, we have all seen those moms in the grocery store with some kid screaming at the top or their lungs and thought 'Can't she control her child?' but now we are those moms and sometimes its like trying to control a runaway train and you just can't stop it. So you either have to walk away or try to deal the best you can. I can even admit to thinking it now because of course my kids are 'perfect' and I have the magic snack bag. For my kids food is the magic ingredient to any peaceful event but of course in twenty or so years my kids will all have eating disorders but at least I got the grocery shopping done.
So for me its having well-behaved kids and kids who succeed in school. For you it could be something else but we all have that mom pressure. So next time you see that mom in the grocery store give her a wink and let her know you know what she is going through.
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- CFS Fairy
- A Canadian Stay-at-Home mom of 3 beautiful and awsome golden cupcakes. I have been a mom since 2005. This is the best job in the world but it is sure tough sometimes, don't you think? This is my journey.