Things I needed in the first year.

1. 15 flannel receiving blankets per week

2. 30 face clothes

3. Lot of bibs for my spit-upper.

4. My changing table is on a different floor so I found having a playpen with changing table downstairs incredibly helpful. Get a playpen sheet.

5. Diaper genie with Stage 1 refills till 6 months and the baby is on solid food. I go through one every 2 weeks.

6. Swing. You probably won’t need it for long so don’t bother buying an expensive one unless you plan to have 5 kids.

7. Baby monitor with 2 receivers and light alert.  So you don't have to listen to the baby cry when your trying to get her to sleep.

8. Vibrating bouncy chair.
9. Crib with sheet, and water proof mattress pad
10. Glider with ottoman.

11. Nursing pillow even when I’m not nursing.

12. Stroller with car seat and base for car.  The one I have has a pull-down underbasket, which was brilliant when the baby was sleeping in the stroller.

13. Only one package of Huggies Newborn diapers and then a case of Huggies #1s or 1/2s. I tried every other diaper and Huggies and Kirklands are our choice.

14. Kirkland wipes from Costco. A whole case is under 20 bucks.

15. Chest of drawers or some sort of storage.

16. A baby bath that fits a double sink (if you have one), Gerber lavender baby bath, 2 thick terrycloth towels. Don’t get the cheap, thin ones, you will regret it. It will be like trying to dry your baby with a paper towel, lol

17. I found t-shirts ride up and diaper shirts or rompers, whatever you want to call them, work better at least until there are one.

18. Until they are 3 months, they wear sleepers most of the time. I suggest 7 sleepers, 5 diaper shirts, 1 dress, a toque, 3 pairs of socks, and a hooded sweatshirt jacket to start with. Don’t buy lots of Newborn unless you are planning on having a baby under 7lbs because they grow out of them so quickly. They may not even fit when they are born.

19. Pants and overalls that open in the crotch make for quick diaper changes.

20. Robbeez slippers in 0 to 6 months and 6 to 12 months. They don’t fall off.

21. A travel sleeping bag or bunting with hole for car seat strap. Doesn’t matter what season it is.

22. A baby sleeping bag for the crib.

23. OxyClean powder and a big bucket to soak poopie clothes in because it stains.

24. One box of Ivory Snow laundry detergent and one box of any other detergent that is something “Free” to use after that. Example: Cheer Free, Tide Free, Sunlight Free. Ivory Snow is expensive.

25. A car blanket (thick), 2 fleece blankets (to alternate) and afgan for crib, so the baby doesn’t suffocate when its sleeping.

26. Backpack containing: Changing pad, re-fillable travel baby wipe container with wipes, 2 receiving blankets, 4 diapers, 1 diaper shirt, 1 sleeper, lots of face cloths, bib, socks, a bag for soiled stuff, diaper cream, baby Tylenol, Band-Aids, hand cream, lip balm, water for me, a pen and paper, a sweater/sweatshirt, formula (if needed) and my cell phone and wallet. What is the point of carrying a diaper bag and a purse?

27. If bottlefeeding, wide, slow nipple bottles are good because it is more like the breast and causes less nipple confusion. I would get four 4-6 oz bottles to start with and four 8 oz bottle for later. Madison doesn’t like the Avent bottles. We liked Playtex Ventaire.

28. Breastfed babies need Vitamin D solution (1ml daily) till 1 year for or until they are on at least 16oz a day of formula. You can put it in formula or bottled breastmilk if they won’t take the dropper.

29. A dropper to get rid of snot (yuck! I hate that word) by putting saline or warm salt water up its nose.

30. A mirror for the back window of the car to check on baby when they are facing backwards.

31. The Miracle Blanket for swaddling.  Expensive but worth it.

32. Soothese soothers, 2.

33.  Exersaucer

34. Jolly Jumper.

35.  Bumbo Seat if your kid is getting a flat head.

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A Canadian Stay-at-Home mom of 3 beautiful and awsome golden cupcakes. I have been a mom since 2005. This is the best job in the world but it is sure tough sometimes, don't you think? This is my journey.